Move completed.

We have moved into our new digs. No, this isn’t the house. The good news is that we were able to find a buyer for our previous home rather quickly and should close in a couple of weeks. Bill Schmalfeldt didn’t make an offer. Funny, I haven’t received a summons nor a court order to turn it all over to him. Oh well.

Since the new house has double the living space in it, the Rule 5 wife got brand new furniture. I also have a man-cave now that I will be remodeling over the new few weeks. It has some neat amenities like a bar and green carpeting with football field lines painted on it. My office is set up in the back of it since I am still working. I will post pics once it’s completed.

It’s been a crazy summer. Things should return to normal now that inflation is back to zero percent. Or something.

Appreciate your patience. Rule 5 returns tomorrow with a special weekend edition.

We now return you to regular programming…

A lot has happened the past couple of weeks – some of it planned, some of it not so much. There are still several big events left to get through. To quote rarely used words from a famous Maryland Jedi Master, things didn’t happen like I had foreseen.. like.. at all.

At some point, I will share all the crazy things that have been happening, but for now the waters have calmed and I am focusing on the more important things, such as moving. That was one major thing that was unplanned. No, it had nothing to do with Bill Schmalfeldt and him making a federal case. This was something my wife and I had been contemplating for some time, and after a few missed opportunities, a very good one presented itself and we took it.

Closing should be completed by the end of the month and we just listed our current house. We are hoping to get a good offer in the next week. The realtor was able to line up a few prospective buyers within hours. Buyers are still out there.

Also during this time, I had a family reunion to attend which also afforded me the chance to meet up with some old friends for some impromptu gatherings that includes fireball whiskey shots and late night karaoke. Couple that with a bout of Covid-19 earlier this week (one home test was positive, but subsequent tests have been negative) and my body finally gave out. Contracting Covid-19 was another of the major unplanned events. Full disclosure: I’m not vaccinated, and it was very mild.

I realized earlier this week lying in bed that I hadn’t completely staged the previous week’s Rule 5 and FFOD posts and had nothing set up for this week. So last week’s posts will resume tomorrow. I am staging a few of weeks worth of posts to help me get through the move. I’m only moving a couple of miles away into a more affluent neighborhood, but a lot of work nonetheless.

Hope everyone is having a great summer!

Back home.

Arrived back home on Thursday before the Memorial Day weekend only to discover there were some new pressing matters to work through. Fortunately, I took time off through today to finally get things settled down.

Rule 5 and Fun Fact of the Day will return tomorrow to start off June. Looks like I will be moving soon as the Rule 5 wife and I are out looking at properties to see where we can build. Not the best time to do it, but looking anyway. I just completed remodeling the office when my wife acquired the “itch” about a new house. The reasons are practical, such as helping to support her parents as well as the grandchildren being able to visit during the summer with some added space. Still, timing is everything.

Despite this, the goal this year is to expand the blog, so I’m looking forward to adding more content and working on the new look. Current track record suggests life will continue to bring new challenges. Didn’t have to be this way. Thanks, Biden!

Thanks for visiting as always! You are all much appreciated.

Out of Office

Apologies everyone, I am currently out on the road attending to some planned events. I realized only yesterday that I had not staged the Rule 5 and Fun Fact posts for this week. They will resume starting next week once I get back home this weekend.

In case anyone is wondering, yes I am driving to all destinations. The trip included a wedding, some meetings for an upcoming convention, and a get together with some friends along the way. A few months ago, I looked into flying and using rental cars for travel to the various events. Coordinating flight times, hotels, rental cars, and ensuring I was able to be on time proved pretty expensive.

I bought a new truck back in August (2021 Chevy Silverado) and decided I would drive across the country. The one place I needed to attend in Nebraska was able to accommodate my driving schedule much better and that allowed everything to fall into place.

When I planned the drive, gas was around $3.10 for premium, which is what I use for the truck. So far, the average price for each fill-up is around $4.75. While it’s still cheaper, it’s a pretty big rip-off. At least, no one has to endure mean tweets. Thank God for that! Always count your blessings.

The drive back home starts tomorrow and I should be in the driveway on Friday. Gas prices have gone up about 5 more cents, most likely due to Memorial Day. Or Biden. Take your pick. The real question is whether it will stay there or continue to rise. For some people, it may require a second $15 an hour job.

Speaking of second jobs, or in this case, the Parkinson’s Con Job, old Bill Schmalfeldt is working the airwaves at KGGF-AM radio in Coffeyville, Kansas.

His bio appears here. He mentions his wife and their two cats. How adorable! Any bets on when they ask him to clean the toilets and his PD reappears? I would say sometime in late 2022. Signup sheets are in the breakroom.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Maintenance Mode

I’m in the middle of some office upgrades and wasn’t able to get this week’s Rule 5 and Fun Fact posts staged.

This involves installing a new motorized standing desk that supports a few monitors, including a 49″ monitor I bought a few months ago

In order to support the types and number of monitors, I also had to buy a new docking station that would host a more powerful graphics adapter. The graphics card is based on an nVidia GE Force GPU that supports 4 displays, each with a max resolution of 3840 x 2160 resolution at 60 MHz.

I’m also doing some additional wiring to add a couple more outlets. Once I had the old desk removed, it dawned on me this might be the best time to do some additional work to support some other equipment I plan on buying.

Unsurprisingly, there are still some items on order which have not arrived that is also complicating these enhancements. It would seem the Joe Biden economy isn’t well suited to support some of these DIY upgrades.

Working from home has its advantages, but I can hardly take over other areas of the house with my normal setup. So I’ve been relegated to one side of the couch, squinting at a 15″ LCD screen during the day, and working in my office at night trying to complete the upgrades in between weekends.

So there won’t be any Rule 5 posts or Fun Facts this week. I will have new posts starting next week. Oh, and some much needed graphics updates to the website will follow shortly after that.

Thanks as always for your patience and understanding. I’ll post pictures when all is said and done.


Apologies for the Delay..

Unlike Joe Biden (and Bill Schmalfeldt), I actually have a real job that benefits real Americans. Usually, I stage the Rule 5 and Fun Fact posts over the weekend. Unfortunately, this weekend saw a client escalation that required my attention. Since “C” level types are watching from above with great interest, some weekend activities were delayed.

Now that the world is no longer on fire.. er.. well, at least the production problems have been resolved, things should be back to normal.

Thanks for being patient.

So about those Fun Facts last week…

Normally, I do the next week’s Rule 5 and Fun Facts posts the prior Sunday. Last week was the perfect storm for that not to happen. Over Christmas, I took a much needed vacation and spent some time reorganizing my computer system.

I ended up staging the Rule 5 posts all the way to Jan 17th, but did not do the same with Fun Facts because those are a bit more intensive. Usually, it takes an hour or two find some that are interesting for the upcoming week. I ended up working the weekend (Jan 9/10th) in preparation for some customer workshops with a new client and totally spaced it.

Usually, when I miss them on the weekends, I will try to do each day’s early in the morning, but this past week, I wasn’t able to maintain that cadence due another client needing some more work and so my days ended up being long.

This week, things return to normal. Appreciate all the visits from everyone! Hope this year will be better despite Biden being President.