On this day, we remember.


In a small town in Iowa, I visited a small cemetery preparing for Memorial Day.


Every year, the townsfolk place flags next to the headstones of those veterans and their family members, remembering their call and sacrifices for our great country.

It serves a reminder our country’s true diversity.  Our military is made of individuals from cities and towns both large and small.

Young men and women who lived in the only place they knew answered the call to travel to foreign lands to fight against evil and tyranny, not just for their own communities but for people in other places they never met.

Their sacrifice is never forgotten. Let us all remember those who came before us and pray for the next generation who may be asked to serve to protect our freedoms and our country.

Sunday Blessings


This weekend we honor the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for this country.  Without their courage and bravery, we would not be able to enjoy the richness our way of life creates.

I am spending my weekend with family and friends in the upper Midwest. Looking forward to some walleye fishing and showcasing some new barbecue techniques.  No vegan recipes allowed.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and week ahead.