Another way to look at this narrative (updated)..


Bill:  Look at me!  I’m getting healthy and strong..

TFS: Hey, that’s awesome Bill, way to go!

Ah Memories..

Bill:  Oh wait, I forgot about the Parkinson’s.   I CAN’T RAISE MY HANDS ABOVE MY HEAD!! STOP LYING ABOUT ME

PK:  Ooopsie poopsie..

And he wonders why people don’t take him seriously.  It’s like he wants PLM.


True.  It is used in PT for those who have a rotator cuff injury which prevents raising of the arm.  Usually, most people with a rotator cuff injury experience moderate to severe pain trying to impersonate an NFL referee or Hulk Hogan showing his pythons.

I’ve known many people that have had surgery or other therapy for a rotator cuff problem.

Bill must have the one you get from Parkinson’s.

For more information on wall crawls and how it can help a real injury –

AZ Central

Doctor J Michael Bennet

University of Wisconsin School of Public Medicine and Health


2 thoughts on “Another way to look at this narrative (updated)..

  1. Bill just doesn’t get that we only say back the things that he says and point out the hypocrisies inherent in them. If he wasn’t so darned contradictory all the time, he wouldn’t be embarassing himself this way. And maybe he could learn a teeny tiny bit of reading comprehension. It might help, you know.

    Liked by 3 people

    • If he wasn’t so darned contradictory all the time, he wouldn’t be embarassing himself this way.

      You really don’t think he can find alternate methods of self-immolation? That’s cute.

      Liked by 3 people

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