Fall Message for the Blue Wave


Yeah, this should work.

Liberals are sending a message:

“Hey if you elect enough of us to take over the house, we will act quickly on guns, dreamers, and infrastructure!”

No really, now they are serious about fixing DACA, enacting gun control and spending money on infrastructure, even though they promised those things back in 2010.

Bernie Sanders went further to the left, working on a plan that will guarantee every person a government job of minimum wage and health benefits.  Uh huh.

Democrats have made a lot of promises over the years and failed to deliver.  President Trump came to office and went to work fulfilling his campaign promises.  Republicans have had the power to get the conservative agenda into his hands for signature but have openly balked due to their personal disdain for Trump.

I’m not convinced there is wave on the way but I wouldn’t be surprised if Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives.  Republicans continue to fumble the message by trying to avoid being tied to the muck that is Trump.

Look, Trump may be mud due to his past dalliances.  From my perspective, whatever he did before he became President is moot.  The Democrats only care about it because they have no other message.  Even polls are showing the electorate doesn’t really care that much anyway.

If Republicans continue to avoid moving the agenda on the appearance that any victory would be attributed to Trump forgets why he won in the first place.  He was elected to change the system. He would have gladly signed whatever was given to him. Imagine how much more energized the base could be if they ended funding of Planned Parenthood. This would have told voters they were serious about sticking to principles for which they were elected.

I’m not sure who is running strategy for the Republicans.  I’m not even sure if there is a message.  It would be funny in a very twisted sense if Democrats pulled off the Blue Wave because Republican elites allowed themselves to hold onto their pride in spite of voters wishes.

Sometimes, lessons are learned the hard way.  Maybe the “establishment” deserves to see it happen.


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