
You're actually serious

Pelosi’s re-brand of vote by mail.

According to Pelosi, the $3.6 billion dollars in the HEROES Act to help states with vote by mail is now called “Voting at home.”

“We’re now calling it voting at home because that’s really what it’s all about—enabling people to vote at home,” Pelosi told MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell.

Pelosi said the $3.6 billion in the House’s HEROES Act is “necessary to conduct an election” where all voters would receive absentee ballots.

She also claimed the country is under assault from voter suppression and the Chinese Coronavirus.

Obviously, she doesn’t cite a single reference.  The Wisconsin primaries, the boondoggle created by the Governor and legislature, saw the left charge the GOP with trying to sabotage the election by *squints* forcing the state to follow its own rules.

Democrats charged that voter suppression was compounded by the Coronavirus and many residents may not turn out for fear of getting infected.  Turns out, the suppressed vote never happened as Democrats came out in huge numbers.  The Coronavirus spike highlighted by the media in the pre-voting outrage never materialized.

California passed changes to its voting system in 2018 that allowed for ballot harvesting by individuals other than family members.  It was no surprise that several districts in the states flipped by the narrow margins days after Republican’s had the lead late into election night.

Democrats want votes to come from your home, even from people who don’t live there.


2 thoughts on “Really?

  1. They want your ballot in their hands outside of the polling place, and they want you afraid too to go to a voting booth. Where did Nancy Pelosi get the idea that this is any of Congress’ business?

    They also want your worship online where they can keep an eye on it. These are bad people who want to do bad things.

    Let’s keep the church and the voting in person and do the abortions by mail.

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