

It’s no wonder he failed as a pro-se plaintiff.

Came across this in the tweetdeck..


Does someone in Guymon care about their local radio station’s lack of talent – or more to the point, the morning guy’s lack of intelligence?

He still doesn’t understand simple jurisdiction when filing a complaint.  Now he’s using a very dumb analogy in an effort to educate us on.. *squints* the Constitution.

Remember, he’s filed as a plaintiff against my friends and threatened to sue me as well for accurately reporting his own statements and comments.

All of his claims were either dropped by him, conceded by him, or dismissed by a judge. He went 0-8.

In case anyone is curious, if the President of the United States has lawfully decided to declassify documents, it’s not a credibility problem for the leader of any intelligence agency.  They serve at the pleasure of the President and can easily resign if they have a problem.  There are also procedures involved for those things where National Security is at risk.

What’s important to remember is that regardless of what the President does, Bill Schmalfeldt will always be a liar and a loser.  There are some things that even a President cannot fix.


6 thoughts on “Huh..

  1. I have a job, and there are a few bosses that come with that. Any and all of those can and frequently do make decisions that I disagree with, because that’s their job. Not always getting your way goes with the territory of being a subordinate. Only a fantasy world would require a FBI or CIA chief to quit over a classification decision made to protect a predecessor or subordinate from embarrassment (or punishment for malfeasance).

    Liked by 3 people

  2. A little reading for the dumbfuck.

    Click to access CFR-2010-title3-vol1-eo13526.pdf

    This is the section that is of interest to us today.
    Sec. 1.7. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:
    (1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
    (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;
    (3) restrain competition; or
    (4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.

    Note who signed this order.

    Liked by 2 people

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