Top 5 Posts of Year


First things first: Many thanks to all my new friends and followers of this blog. It has been a wild year to say the least.

I was planning to restart the blog in 2018, having let it sit for a couple of years while I worked on my plan to revive it.  Our freedoms are under attack by liberals wanting to reshape society into something more Marxist, if not fascist. I wanted to add one more voice to the internet in hopes of pushing back against the forces of evil.

However, the timeline moved up considerably when Bill Schmalfeldt, a mentally unstable member of Team Kimbergarten, decided that I needed to be outed from my “supposed” anonymity because I had the audacity to use a picture of him tweeted by the love of his life (#4).

She took the picture and posted it in a public forum.  I reposted it on Hogewash!  He got mad!


It didn’t go at all like he had planned.  While he threatened me and made demands, I took him head on.  He ran underneath the porch like a scared puppy.  He later threatened to add me to his now failed lawsuit in South Carolina. Fortunately for him, the court put that laughable moment to an end.

The result: Another website that exposes the utter lunacy of Team Kimberlin, as well as place running massive PLM sorties against anti-free speech “progressives”.

The Top 5 posts of 2017.

#5 – Doom Clock Expires: Response

Bill Schmalfeldt had given me until Friday, June 23, to respond to a number of demands laid out in his now defunct podcast.  I gave him a counter-offer. He chose not to follow through with his demands.  Wise choice.

#4 – Employing old tricks and threats again

Bill Schmalfeldt was doxxing and threatening, of all people, a lawyer.  Like all of his previous attempts to bring members of the zombie horde to justice, he failed once more.

#3 – A matter in the case of Hoge v. Kimberlin, et al (Updated)

Bill Schmalfeldt had a date with the court to explain his violations of court rules for recording testimony when he should not have.  He chose not to attend.  The cowardice is strong in him.

#2 –Hello, my name is MJ Rodriguez

The only reason he managed to doxx me was due to an error on my part.  I responded to a list on Tweetdeck that gave away my identity. Not that I really cared, but he believed he had found the mother lode of all doxxing.  Armed with this information, he attempted to harass me by calling one of my phone numbers and threatened to do me other harm if I did not cooperate.  He didn’t quite expect my response and then ran away like a pussy, although he regularly reads this website.

#1 – So this happened..

I kid you not.  Bill Schmalfeldt threated to sue Judge Hecker and the state of Maryland for violations of the American Disabilities Act if Hecker did not grant Schmalfeldt’s motion to attend the contempt hearing via electronic means.  There is stupid, and there is Schmalfeldt. Guess which one is worse?

Wishing everyone a prosperous and wonderful 2018.

6 thoughts on “Top 5 Posts of Year

  1. My fave (which I am obviously biased) is where FiFi the Douchebag Wonder Poodle and Fatass started poking around my real life ID….

    …and ran like the gutless pussies they are when I didn’t roll over and show my belly.

    Merry New Year!!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Happy New Year, MJ and thanks for all the lulz and the babes and whatnot. As much as I appreciate DUMBFUCK gifting us with another year of bluster, abject failure and rake-stomping idiocy, I fear he may actually have begun learning that hot stove is hot.

    Say it ain’t so, Blob!

    Liked by 1 person

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