Billy Boy Unread Editor No Shows to Hearing; Issues more butthurt.

tmimnBilly Boy Unread editor at large Bill Schmalfeldt chose to not show up to his own trial. Instead, he offered testimony via a statement read in court which is shown in the link above. 

He is unhappy that the Judge refused to grant his request to appear via Skype when the rules, had he chose to read them, says he needs to appear or be represented by counsel if he is allowed to appear remotely. Since he didn’t have counsel, it wasn’t going to happen.

Schmalfeldt’s failure to abide by court orders and rules will have significant consequences if Judge Hecker decides to act against Schmalfeldt’s defiance.  Schmalfeldt hopes his threat of a suit for violation of the ADA will give the Judge pause to act.

News to Schmalfeldt: This is going to turn out worse than he expected. The moment he goes before an attorney and explain to them why the Judge issued a show cause hearing in the first place, the quicker he will be dropped like hot potato just off the hot grill.

He doesn’t have standing to sue for breaking the rules and then openly defying the court. And there is the issue of actually having a case based on the law.

The Judge may choose to use one of a number of remedies, none of them in Schmalfeldt’s favor and if he chooses to use the least unfavorable, it will be a judgment that has the potential for a lot of money.  Essentially,  he will be hounded for payment the rest of his life.

Schmalfeldt’s clinging to fake Parkinson’s has done more than he anticipated and rightly so. Flaunting the disease as a crutch, as he often does, demeans those who actually have it and want to be as normal as possible. Of course, decent people would not put themselves in Schmalfeldt’s situation. In this case, it has been a large liability only enhanced by Schmalfeldt’s low intellectual capacity.

His open defiance, and little careful thought and consideration, it seems as though Kimberlin’s news division may be hiring soon, assuming the keys aren’t taken in that part of the trial.


19 thoughts on “Billy Boy Unread Editor No Shows to Hearing; Issues more butthurt.

  1. i’m really not surprised by his no-show.
    Also wondering if the only hobby he has is filing butt-hurt lawsuits. That, and moving around the country.
    Wouldn’t you think if someone had such a debilitating disease, that they would concentrate on health issues, and not bullying people on and off the internet? Maybe that’s just me.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I’m surprised he didn’t show. What was more surprising was his statement to the court. He destroyed his South Carolina lawsuit defending the rights of commenters in it. Since he lays out numerous possibilities to what his comments were referring to in context he must do so in his South Carolina lawsuit now. That statement will haunt him. I would also be surprised if Kimberlin even attempted to read his statement into the record.

    While Schmalfeldt seems stupid I think the whole purpose of his madness was to show the court he’s a loser and doesn’t have a pot to piss in for punitive damages considerations.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Heh! Ya think? Even once a judgment is handed down in this case, the repercussions that will reverberate into the OTHER case are going to be… FUN!

      Dis gon’ b’ GUD!

      Liked by 8 people

  3. I just noticed his statement and post has been online 7+ hours and not one person cared to comment. He is 62 years old and has no friends who care about him. His fiancee seems too busy flirting with #Resist people to even care.

    I bet she dumps him within three months. She flirts way too heavy on twitter with the resistance.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Based on Mr. Fakinsons rousing success in court coupled with the way he misrepresents himself, I’m taking this square right now.

    December 1 – the day inflataskank goes down to having 1 bald pussy. Its name will be Onyx.

    Adios, muchacho!

    Liked by 1 person

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